
OYLA Boys Lacrosse Rules

The OYLA rule matrix below was written and approved by OYLA as exceptions to the NFHS Boys’ Lacrosse Rules, as amended by the U.S. Lacrosse Youth Council. These OYLA rules, together with the NFHS Boys Lacrosse Rules as amended by the U.S. Lacrosse Youth Council, represent the full body of rules by which OYLA games will be governed. Rules not modified below are considered standard youth rules.

A copy of the 2013 NFHS Boys Lacrosse Rules may be purchased on-line.

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The US Lacrosse Youth Amendments and Points of Emphasis are available from US Lacrosse. They are posted on this website for your convenience. US Lacrosse also provides a guidebook for parents and players that offers simple explanations of many key rules.

This guidebook is available for download here.

Questions and comments may be directed to any OYLA board member.